A Student’s Perspective: The Transformative Power of Math Corps

Whenever someone wants to learn about the Math Corps, we always say, just ask our kids, they’re the best spokespersons out there. The below high school student’s testimony encapsulates the essence of what this program embodies. Her words reflect not just a summer of learning, but a journey of personal and academic development that resonates deeply with anyone who has been part of Math Corps.

“This summer in Math Corps was my best one yet. This summer meant family, it meant learning, it meant building new relationships, and so much more. I always get excited when I realize it’s time for Math Corps. However, I have developed a newfound sense of enjoyment now that I am a Teaching Assistant. This summer, the kids that I was assigned did an amazing job. Because of that, my summer also meant accomplishment. They both pushed me out of my comfort zone multiple times and forced me to learn new ways or methods to teach them. Not only did they learn a lot, but I did as well. I could go on for a long time about what this summer meant to me, but this was just to name a few reasons as to what Math Corps really means to me.”

These heartfelt words mirror the transformative experience many individuals encounter within the Math Corps program. It’s not merely about imparting mathematical knowledge but fostering an environment where learning extends beyond the subject matter.