
Summer Camp Applications Available Now

Apply today!

Welcome to Math Corps Cleveland

We are a combined academic enrichment and mentoring program that brings middle and high school students from the greater Cleveland area together, with college students, to learn mathematics from each other, as well as to interact with professional mathematicians in a university setting. We are a branch of the Wayne State University Math Corps, seeking to replicate the tremendous successes of the model they have developed over the course of 20+ years. The Math Corps is based on the dream of creating a self-perpetuating corps of students from middle school through college, who excel academically, hold values that breed success in general, and who, through strong mentoring relationships, pass their knowledge and their values on to younger students, who in turn do the same.

2022 Camp Results

In summer 2022, the Math Corps at Cleveland State University returned to a live, in-person program after a two-year period of being online due to Covid19. We started with 32 high school Teaching Assistant (TA) applicants and 81 middle school camper applicants. Here is some academic data:

7th graders improved from 66.25% to88.75%
8th graders improved from 17.5% to 67.5%
9th graders improved from 13.75% to 32.5%

Join our Math Corps Family!

Summer Camp Information
Super Saturdays Program
For Parents
Applications + Eligibility
Local Staff
Contact Us

The Math Corps Summer Camp and High School Bridge Program serves students who, in the fall, will be entering the 7th, 8th, or 9th grade. High school students entering the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade serve as paid Teaching Assistants (TA’s) and Program Assistants (PAs). 

Each day the middle school students receive instruction from University faculty and enjoy a variety of learning activities led by the college and high school students under the supervision of middle and high school teachers. The high school TAs and PAs serve as natural role models for the middle school students, and engage in their own learning of both fundamental and advanced mathematics.

Students accepted into the program receive: 

  • a light breakfast daily 
  • lunch every Thursday
  • school supplies
  • a calculator (in their first year of the program)
  • bus tickets, if needed 
  • a Math Corps t-shirt
  • access to CSU facilities such as libraries and computer labs 

Schedule: Students in the program are expected to attend on time and fully all program dates.

Camp Dates: July 15, 2024 – August 8, 2024

Camp Hours:

  • 9:30 am – 2:30 pm for 7th, 8th and 9th graders
  • 9:00 am – 3:15 pm 10th, 11th and 12th graders

Tuition: Tuition is free for all students thanks to the support of Cleveland State University and the generous contributions of foundations, corporations and individuals.

The Math Corps Super Saturdays Program was designed to serve as a compliment to the Summer Camp. It was developed to offer year-round programming and support to our students. All students in the greater Cleveland area who are currently in grades 7-12 are eligible to apply for this tuition-free program. 

For more information visit:


As made apparent in Math Corps’ mission statement, parents and families hold a special and unique place in the Math Corps philosophy and are considered to play an integral role in the success of students.

Here in the Math Corps program, we believe that the key to student success more than anything else is the active involvement of our students’ families. As a result, we respectfully ask and expect that all of our parents/guardians will work to uphold the following high standards and expectations that we hold for all of our students:

  • All students are expected to attend every day. An absence caused by illness, family emergency, or other unforeseen and unavoidable event may be excused, if prompt notification of the circumstances is given to the Program Coordinator. The Program Coordinator has sole authority for deciding whether any absence should be excused or not. Family vacations, reunions, and other similar outings conflict with the program’s goals, and so will not be seen as reasons to excuse an absence. Any unexcused absence is grounds for dismissal.
  • All students must be on time every day. An incident of lateness caused by an unforeseen and unavoidable event may be excused, if prompt notification of the circumstances is given to the
    Program Coordinator. The Program Coordinator has sole authority for deciding whether any
    lateness should be excused or not. Any unexcused lateness is grounds for dismissal.
  •  All homework assignments are expected to be completed and turned in on time. Failure to complete assignments as required is grounds for dismissal.
  • All participants are to treat each other with respect and courtesy and are to maintain proper behavior at all times, consistent with being part of a university program. Behavior that fails to meet the standards of the Math Corps at CSU is grounds for dismissal.

To be eligible for the Math Corps at CSU 2024 Summer Camp, students must be:

  1. Currently in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade.
  2. Enrolled in a school in the greater Cleveland area.
  3. Committed to the goal of excelling in mathematics and willing to work hard to achieve that goal.
  4. Willing and able to exercise behavior appropriate to a university campus.

Middle school students click here to apply as campers.

High school students click here to apply as Teaching Assistants (TA).

Carol Phillips-Bey is the Director of the Math Corps Cleveland, and is an associate professor in Cleveland State University’s Mathematics Department. Professor Bey holds a PhD in mathematics education from Kent State University, an MA in mathematics from Cleveland State University, and a BA in mathematics from Wesleyan University.

Francisca García-Cobián Richter serves as an Associate Director of the Math Corps Cleveland, and is a research assistant professor at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Francisca holds a PhD in agricultural economics and an MS in statistics from Oklahoma State University.

Staff positions, both teaching and administrative, are available for our summer program. We are seeking dedicated, enthusiastic individuals who are passionate about working with children.

General Qualifications

  • Baccalaureate degree required
  • Experience working with students in grades 7 – 12
  • Mathematics or Math Education background preferred
  • Mathematics certification preferred

If you are interested in applying for a Senior Staff position please email your resume to Dr. Carol Philips-Bey at


  • Dean of Students: The Dean is responsible for helping to ensure that each and every student 1) has a safe, rewarding, enjoyable and academically successful experience and 2) learns and develops the values, habits and attitudes essential for long-term success. Specifically, the role of the Dean is to teach, support, and implement the goals and philosophies of the Math Corps to students and staff. Discipline of students is the direct responsibility of the Dean and under the leadership of the Director. The Dean is also the boss of the Teaching Assistants and is responsible for guiding the TAs in their transition from student to teacher.
  • Site Coordinator (SC): The SC is responsible for the date-to-day operations that occur on site. With a team of approximately 15 college students, the SC monitors and assign daily tasks to College Assistants, oversees the need and distribution of supplies/copies for the staff and students, maintains organization of the staff office and ensures that all activities are staffed and prepped.
  • Grade Supervisor (GS): The GS oversees one grade level (7s or 8s) of forty students in the camp and supervises the mentoring and tutoring conducted by the high school and college students. The responsibilities of the GS include supervising team time, coordinating before and after camp tutoring, communicating with parents, assisting the Dean with discipline, reading student journals, assisting with lunch monitoring, and teaching a class and/or activity. The GS communicates directly with the Dean of Students.
  • Instructor: Instructors are assigned to teach various math classes which range from topics such as Arithmetic and Algebra to Discovery to Logic and Proof. Instructors are offered and assigned courses based upon their level of mathematics studied and teaching experience. Instructors new to the program must be willing to teach using the method taught by Math Corps. Instructors are responsible for planning instruction, teaching the course, preparing/adjusting and grading assignments and assessments, recordkeeping, and managing student behavior.
    Course Information and Schedule can be found HERE.

If you have any questions, please email

“I feel that Math Corps was a welcoming place. If I was ever bored or alone, someone would offer to hang out with me. I really appreciated that. Though some classes are better than others it was fun.” –7th grade student

“Math Corps tries really hard to open up your hidden greatness.” –8th grade student

“Math Corps cares about us. They help us, we grow every day. We’re ready for the 7th grade.” –7th grade student

““I like the freedom – we were treated with respect and were on a college campus.” –7th grade student

“Overall I feel that it was a good experience. They taught and handled situations in a way that I wasn’t used to. Everything was about positive attitudes and fun. I think it was a different but very good atmosphere to be around.” –TA

“Math Corps is really fun. TAs and CIs really care about you and I would not want to leave.” –7th grade student

“I feel now what they mean by the meaning of family. I feel really close to these guys now.” –8th grade student

M = master math A = able to meet new people T = teach new people H = help your math skills C = challenge your brain O = open opportunities for other people R = relative to a new topic P = play chess S = summer of my life! –7th grade student

“This has been one of my most memorable experiences and I’m super glad to have been a part of this Math Corps family. I have grown to love and care about all the students here. Can’t wait to return next year.” –TA

“Math is a special subject, it’s harder than you think. The heart of math is fun.” –8th grade student

“I will take the heart of Math Corps to school because it was fun. I met new people, learned a few things. I learned about how other people live and their way of seeing things. I recommend people to come here.” –8th grade student

“I liked getting to know all the 7th graders. The two 7s that I got to tutor are amazing. I absolutely love them. I’m very sad it’s over. It’s been a ton of fun and I’ve learned a lot, both about math and myself.” –TA

Who can apply to be in the Cleveland Math Corps?
Any 6th or 7th grade student, or 9th-12th grade student attending school in the greater Cleveland area may apply to be in the Math Corps Cleveland.

How much does it cost for students to attend Math Corps?
There is no cost for students to attend the Math Corps.

My high school student needs help in math. Can they apply?
Yes! However, due to the special tutoring nature of the position that high school students occupy within the Math Corps, they must at least be proficient in 7th and 8th grade Mathematics. High school students will receive instruction and assistance in their Mathematics courses during the latter part of each program day.

My child participated in the Math Corps last summer. Is their acceptance guaranteed next year?
No, all students must reapply, complete the application process and fulfill the criteria for eligibility. However, returning students receive priority consideration upon their reapplication to the program.

My child was placed on the waiting list last year. If they reapply for this year, will they be accepted?
Re-applicants are truly special, as it conveys determination and perseverance! While acceptance is not guaranteed for a re-applicant, their application is given higher consideration than one that comes to us for the first time.

How important is my child’s essay?
Very! The essay can tell the Selection Committee a lot about the needs, self-esteem, and desire of the applicant to join the Math Corps. It is a very important document that is kept in the Math Corps files for years.

How can my child increase their chances of getting accepted in the Math Corps?
Because the Math Corps accepts such a wide variety of students at a wide variety of skill levels, there is no definitive answer to this question. However, there are two things that can truly give more weight to an applicant: an application that is on time, and 100% complete.

Does the Math Corps run all year?
During the Winter semesters, Math Corps programs run for ten weeks on Saturdays. During the Summer, Math Corps programs run for six weeks beginning in the middle of June.

Is the Math Corps an “everyday” program?
During the school year, Math Corps programs run on Saturdays only. During the Summer, Math Corps programs typically run Monday through Thursday. The summer closing ceremonies typically take place on a Friday evening.

Are there any after-school activities for my child to participate in?
During the school year, there currently are not any after school activities conducted by the Math Corps. During the summer, there are tutorial classes in the afternoon, after the standard program lets out, for those students who are in need of additional assistance in their coursework, or who feel they would like to get ahead.

We have a family trip scheduled that conflicts with the first day/first week of the Math Corps. Can my child be excused?
The Math Corps’ philosophy on attendance is this: One cannot learn if one is not present. Therefore, absences due to family trips, vacations, conflicts with other programs, or similar cases are not excused.

What supplies does my child need to bring everyday?
All necessary supplies are provided for every student in the Math Corps. These include: notebook, paper, pencil, journal folder, and a T-shirt, which must be worn every Thursday.

Does my child have to bring money for lunch / food?
The Math Corps provides a light breakfast during every program throughout the year. For lunch during the Summer Programs, students have the option of buying lunch at various eateries on Cleveland State’s campus, or bringing a sack lunch from home. Lunch is provided by the Math Corps at no charge to students on Family Meal Day (typically, each Thursday). On those days, a sack lunch must be brought from home if the lunch selection is not to the students’ liking.

Do students live on-campus during the program?
No. Students may arrive to campus as early as 8:30 a.m. each morning and be under supervision. Middle school students are dismissed at 2:30 p.m., and high school students are dismissed at 3:45 p.m. every day. After-program activities are dismissed no later than 4:15 p.m.

Where are courses for the Math Corps held?
All of the Math Corps programs are currently held on Cleveland State University’s campus near Downtown Cleveland.

Reach out, we love hearing from you!

Cleveland State University

Department of Mathematics

1860 E. 22nd Street, RT 1547

Cleveland, OH 44115


Life at Math Corps Cleveland

Laughs and smiles can be found everywhere at Math Corps Cleveland! Follow our social media handles for a glimpse of life at our Cleveland site.