“Our kids are treasures loaned to us by their families. We need to at all times cherish them.” – L. Boehm
The safety and well being of our students is paramount.
At all times, treat students with the respect that you would afford any person and that you would expect afforded to you especially when using your authority. While their positions as students rank lower than our positions, our students are human beings, equal in stature to any of us.
See and treat students as individuals, not as just part of a group. Get to know each student as a person
Actively show you care: a kind word, a warm gesture or look of acknowledgment, a question as to the student’s well-being or enjoyment. Go out of your way. When interacting with a student (e.g. giving praise, asking how a student is doing, etc…), the interaction can sometimes be even more powerful if it is clear to the student that you are interrupting your routine for him/her.
Always put your student’s enjoyment, comfort and satisfaction ahead of your own, whether it be with regard to playing games, participating in activities, eating or whatever.
Be encouraging, and seek to instill confidence and self-esteem in students, particularly those that seem to need such support. Be generous, frequent and public (where appropriate) with praise for good behavior and academic achievements. (Note: What may not be a particularly praiseworthy accomplishment for one student may be absolutely praiseworthy for another.)
Be alert to students who seem to be unhappy, troubled, bored, etc., and give them special attention.
Never embarrass a student in front of others.
Reprimands and discipline should be targeted at the offending individuals, and should not be directed at an entire group or class of students, some or even most of whom had nothing to do with the misbehavior.
Always approach misbehaving or under-performing students in a positive way. Begin with the fundamental assumption that this student is a good person and a good student. Ask why this student, who we know has the ability to behave and achieve at the highest levels, is failing to meet the standards we know he/she can meet. Is there something troubling him/her?
Always model the behavior you want from your students.
At every opportunity, make students feel special, as if seeing them is absolutely the best part of your day.