Philosophy and Principles

Everything begins with loving and believing in kids

Loving kids in the Math Corps means:

  • seeing them, in some real way, as “our kids” – feeling a strong sense of responsibility for them as a whole, while striving to build positive and supportive relationships with each and every child.
  • caring for them in the moment: a safe place, a good breakfast, a smile, a hug, a funny joke…
  • always putting them first.
  • sharing in their joy and sharing in their sadness.
  • wanting all good things for them in the future and helping them attain those things.
  • making each and every child feel special – for who they are, and as they are. 

Believing in kids, in the Math Corps, means believing that:

  • every child has a unique and special greatness within them – and that, with hard work and the support of a caring family or community, that greatness can be realized.
  • all kids are good kids.
  • all kids have the capacity to grow – both in character and mind.

Math Corps' Guiding Principles


    Cherish every child as unique, beautiful, and irreplaceable – celebrating individuality and always encouraging kids to be themselves.

    Principle #1
  • Provide every child with a “second family” – with strong and caring parental figures, and “big brothers and sisters” – who serve as mentors and role models.

    Principle #2
  • Create a community that’s safe, caring and supportive – where in particular, kids come to care about and support each other, where every child feels a real sense of belonging and in which all are seen and treated as equally valued members.

    Principle #3
  • Build a culture that’s centered around kindness – that’s based on our common humanity and on those universal values that address the most basic needs and wants that all children, across all cultures share: to be safe, to be loved, to laugh and to play, to be free of hurt, to matter.

    Principle #4
  • Celebrate diversity – ensuring that every child’s own unique identity, history and background are honored and valued, and that no child is ever made to feel out of place.

    Principle #5

    Prioritize the needs and interests of kids above any personal, institutional, political, religious, or business agendas.

    Principle #6
  • Elevate and enrich every child educationally, holding to the belief that learning occurs best through relationships – and in particular, place the singular power of “kids teaching kids” at the center of instruction.

    Principle #7
  • Empower every child with the gift of mathematics, providing each with a grounding in the basics and the opportunity to explore well beyond – all while cultivating the attributes of critical thinking, intellectual curiosity and independent thought.

    Principle #8

    “Only the best for our kids” – always strive to make it so.

    Principle #9

    “Only the best from our kids” – high standards and high expectations for all.

    Principle #10

    Work every day to bring kids the gift of joy – and in particular, incorporate humor as an essential program component and a minimum daily requirement.

    Principle #11

    Regularly and publicly recognize and celebrate achievement – especially good acts in service to others.

    Principle #12

    See kids and adults as having equal status as human beings, all entitled to respect and consideration – ordering positions and lines of authority, but not people.

    Principle #13
  • Present and treat failure as a natural and recurring part of life, and a critically important or even essential part of success. Provide kids with the space they need to risk failure and offer support and understanding when it happens.

    Principle #14
  • Help every child develop his or her own courage – the courage to be themselves, the courage to do the right thing, the courage to face their fears, and the courage to fail.

    Principle #15
  • See kids’ mistakes, particularly with regard to behavior, not as reasons to punish, but as opportunities to teach, to show you care and to demonstrate forgiveness as a cherished value of any community of kindness – at the same time, wherever appropriate, applying well-thought-out consequences as part of the lesson.

    Principle #16
  • The Math Corps Fairness Doctrine: Rather than treating all children equally, care about all children equally – and then treat them as the individuals they are.

    Principle #17
  • Hold logic and reason at the center of all policy and decision making – tempering all with wisdom and compassion.

    Principle #18

    Constantly speak to the preciousness of every life and tolerate no violence.

    Principle #19
  • Provide a “lifetime membership” to every child who enters, guaranteeing a place in the program through every year of middle school and high school, and a place in the Math Corps family forever.

    Principle #20
  • Every child has the ability to change the world. Inspire them to do so.

    Principle #21